Tech Academy
Computer Progaming Training CourseTech Academy, in partnership with Atlanta Metropolitan State College, is dedicated to equipping under-resourced adults in Southwest Atlanta with essential technology education. Our current structured curriculum focuses on front-end engineering, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and more.
The program consists of:
- A Codecademy Front-End Engineer Course
- A weekly two-hour office hour/tutoring session for participants to better understand the material they are learning.
- Tech Academy
Upon completion, students will receive a professional certificate for a Tech Career.
Tech Academy will provide participants with potential job opportunities for them to apply to having received their certificate.
Connect with Us
Follow us on social media! @Techacademyatl
Forward Thinking
Take the “Career Path” Codecademy course free-of-cost
Relevant Skills
Learn multiple different codes to begin a career in tech
Participant Support
Receive weekly in-person support from the program tutor

Below are examples of how Technology and Data is used for Environmental Justice (EJ)! Participants will be connected with CSC’s broader Tech for EJ projects:
- NASA Open Data for EJ Communities –
- Environmental Justice Academy (EPA) –
- Building a Weather Ready Nation for All (Georgia Tech and SC Department of Health and Environmental Control)
- Transit Data Science Project (FTA)
- SMART Academy Center of Excellence at Crab Tree Elementary