
ECODistrict Hampton Roads
With the simple goal of reinvigorating the Hampton Roads area, starting with the Cavalier Manor neighborhood, this project hopes to accomplish this goal through applying ECODistrict concepts of Sustainability, Justice, Resiliency, and Climate Action.

National Environmental Justice Institute (NEJI)
In partnership with Atlanta Metropolitan State College, CSC is creating the NEJI to provide a broad array of services for front line and marginalized communities to both predict and mitigate existing challenges.

Advanced Atmospheric Research and Monitoring Station (AARMS)
The AARMS project aims to support academic atmospheric and meteorological research by deploying instrumentation, maintenance, and data collection.

Weather-Ready Nation For All (WRN)

In partnership with NOAA’s National Weather Service, we are readying our community for extreme weather, water, and climate events.

Community Champion Leadership Development
This program is an initiative to develop grassroots community champions into effective leaders for change in their communities.
Legacy 50 Project
The Legacy50 Project is a bit different from the rest of our projects. Our current major projects are listed above. However, we have been involved with many other projects that are not highlighted above! We aim to lead or be majorly involved with 50 projects/sub-projects. This journey to leaving a legacy of 50 projects that will transform our world to be more Sustainable, Resilient, Equitable, and Just is called the Legacy50 Project. Please note that an entire listing of projects that we have been involved in or are leading can be found in the list below. We are working on making this list 50 projects long! (The list includes current projects listed above as well)
Legacy50 Project List
- National Environmental Justice Academy
- National Environmental Justice Institute
- Advanced Atmospheric Research and Monitoring Station
- Institute for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
- Southeast Energy Education Initiative
- Energy Horizons Research and Laboratory Center
- Energy Horizons Power Generation Services
- Virginia Green New Deal
- Front Line Communities Leadership Development
- Women in Science, Energy and the Environment
- Resilience Hub
- ECO District Hampton Roads Project
- SMART Academy Center of Excellence
- Metropolitan Parkway Project
- Energy for All
- Global Climate Action Initiative
- Center for Energy, Infrastructure and Renewable Technology
- HTS Enterprise
- Sustainability Solutions Group
- Community Science
- Equitable, Sustainable Development
- Life Cycle Building Center
- Center for Social Innovation
- Building A Weather Ready Nation for ALL
- Center for Hard to Recycle Materials
- Sustainable Development Goals
- SMART Technology Development and Deployment
- Advancing Our Democracy